

If we practice gratitude and keep a thankful heart, we’ll automatically extend inspiration wherever we go.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Change Begins With A Thought

I ran across this article and had to share it. I give full credit to the author - Vito LaFata at Fitness Evolution, Laguna Hills, CA

Change and transformation require energy. I’m not going to lie… it’s difficult to focus in a hyperactive world. But, if we are to succeed at creating outer change for our body and our life; it involves us changing inside as well at the mental and emotional level of our being.

There is always a period of inner work before evolving. The greater the outer change you wish to see happen, the greater the inner change that needs to take place first. You have to “BE” that thought, “DO” that action in order to “HAVE” the transformation you desire. You have to lead with serious intentions and a hunger and desire to evolve that requires you to dig in with your emotional motivation.

If you can focus your intentions, which is a subtle energy that attracts what you want, you can transform your goals into reality. Your decision to change begins with a thought. This is how behavior is modified, and change takes place. You are more likely to change your behavior by focusing on your intentions. If you can see the obstacles that get in your way, you can visualize getting past them to your goals.

My experience for success has always been to keep it simple.

Small incremental changes over time result in life-long rewards that are absolutely profound and worth the effort.

Share and communicate your plan of action and goals with others for added accountability and you will find yourself taking what was once a mere thought right into reality!

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