Just three days after Japan's devastating earthquake and sunami there is hope:
(CNN) -- A massive emergency response operation is under way in northern Japan, with world governments and international aid groups coming together to bring relief to the beleaguered island nation.
So far, 91 countries and regions and 6 international organizations have extended offers of assistance, Japan's foreign affairs ministry said.
The Japanese government has received 11 urban search and rescue teams, including teams from the United States, South Korea, Australia, Germany, Mexico, New Zealand, China, Hungary, Singapore and the United Kingdom.
Japan's own search and rescue team was in New Zealand, assisting with recovery from the recent Christchurch earthquake, when the 9.0 magnitude quake and tsunami struck on Friday.
There are things we, as American's can do to help http://www.redcross.org/portal/site/en/menuitem.1a019a978f421296e81ec89e43181aa0/?vgnextoid=6e051b139d1be210VgnVCM10000089f0870aRCRD
I am thankful for all who continue to hold love and hope in their hearts for all the victims of this disaster - our prayers are with you.
What are you grateful for?
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