

If we practice gratitude and keep a thankful heart, we’ll automatically extend inspiration wherever we go.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 39 in Gratitude

The morning began with major cuddling with my husband - what a wonderful way to start my day, thank you honey! Thank you for cuddling with me and making me feel so warm and loved!

At work, the day started with one of my largest accounts having issue with production samples they received. I asked our Creative Director and my boss to be in on the conference call so that everyone that could positively impact the outcome was available. As fate would have it, our Creative Director and the Senior Production Manager had something in common, they both previously worked at the same company unknowingly. The ice was thawed and the remainder of the conference call went very well for everyone involved. Thank you!

Earlier today I reached out to the Reverend of my Spiritual Center for some mentoring sessions. Her plate is full as she is involved with so many aspects of our center as well as the global integration of our Centers with another branch. She responded back immediately with a time and place where we can meet this week. I have such respect for her and welcome any advice and spiritual counseling she offers. I'm thrilled and grateful.

What are you grateful for?

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