

If we practice gratitude and keep a thankful heart, we’ll automatically extend inspiration wherever we go.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 52 in Gratitude

The problems you think you have in your life are there because you think you have problems in your life. Read that again and let it really sit in your belly for a moment. The problems you think you have in your life are there because you think you have problems in your life.

Driving to work this morning something hit me - my life is what it is because of the choices that I've made. My life is exactly a mirror image of what I have created. I take full responsibility - I have no other choice.

When you look back on your life there will be things you will regret. Did you make the wrong choice? No, there are no wrong choices, we make the best decision for ourselves at that particular moment. Life is full of choices:
1. Am I going to buy the practical car or the fast, shiny car?
2. Shall I go to college or get a job?
3. Do I stay or should I go?

Whatever choice you make is the only one you could make at that time. Otherwise you would have made a different one. Everything we do we choose. So, what is there to regret? You are the person you chose to be.

This is a simple yet difficult lesson to learn. Blaming others is easy. Blaming in general is easy - 'it's my parents fault,' 'it's the economy,' 'it's the neighborhood I grew up in,' 'I'm not smart enough,' 'have you met my family?' The list goes on and on. In reality, the only person making the choices that shapes your life is you.

I play it safe. I'm fairly practical. I don't take much risk. If I have a decision that I feel is a major life choice, I weigh the odds. I make a list of pros and cons, I talk to friends, I meditate on it - silly, really. Life is all about falling on your face, getting back up and jumping in again. I am a work in progress.

I am grateful for these life lessons, what I decide to do with this knowledge is my choice. Hmmmm....

What are you grateful for?

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